Liquid Oral Plants

Inline Homogenizer
Homogenizers are fast and efficient and are capable of producing a fine droplet or particle size, typically in the range of less than 10 microns.
The degree of homogenization is suitable for the vast majority of products, such as creams/ointments/lotions/sauces, and suspensions.
The precision machined generates exceptionally high shear rates in a two-stage process that rapidly homogenizes the product to the required uniformity.
For the few applications that demand submicron particle sizes a high-pressure homogenizer may be required. Where this is the case, passing the product through a high-shear mixer homogenizer first will dramatically improve throughput, and process efficiency and reduce operating costs.
• Capacity from batch size 50 to 1000 ltr.
• Used for stirring solution in an open tank
• Stirrer stand available in Manual, Hydraulically, and Pneumatically lying
• VFD provided to vary the RPM
• Stirrer blades are Propeller or bowl-type
• Control panel available with manually 7 PLC based
• Castor is available for easy movement