Pure (Clean) Steam Generator

- August 9, 2023
- Bright Pharma Engg Pvt Ltd
Bright Pharma Engineering is an advanced equipment manufacturing company specializing in the production of process equipment for the pharmaceutical, bio-pharma, healthcare, and cosmetic industries. We undertake the production of aseptic mixing vessels based on the ASME BPE guidelines, equipped with aseptic magnetic mixers and advanced instruments as per EHEDG guidelines. Our CIP modules come in a variety of types and are custom-built to clean the vessels. We understand that the cleaning of production equipment is an extremely essential part of the pharmaceutical production process, and thus it holds equal importance to the production process itself, according to FDA guidelines. The cleaning of all equipment must adhere to strict standards of documentation, and the process must be validated based on the standards laid down by the FDA. At Bright Pharma Engineering, we have a state-of-the-art system that delivers WFI of a higher quality standard for storage and distribution, surpassing the standards imposed by pharmacopeias worldwide.
How It Works
The main operational principle of the pure steam generator is distillation through thin film evaporation. Shell and tube heat exchangers are used to facilitate heat transfer through falling film evaporation, ensuring high temperatures for each water droplet and guaranteeing sterility. The centrifugal action produced during the upward movement of steam helps separate any pyrogenic substances.
The process of generating pure steam involves passing purified feed water through a shell and tube evaporator. The feed water is heated by plant steam, causing it to evaporate. The evaporated steam then goes through a centrifugal separator, which removes any remaining moisture. This results in the production of dry and highly purified steam. The evaporator column is designed with a double-layered tube to prevent cross-contamination, ensuring a clean and efficient steam generation process.
The connection of all pipes in the generator is performed using the orbital welding technique, which ensures strong and reliable joints. The software used in this process complies with the latest regulations and standards for supervision systems. It also includes features to protect data privacy and achieve maximum durability.

Bright Pharma’s pure steam generator is extensively used in the pharmaceutical, life sciences, and biotechnology industries. This equipment requires minimal maintenance due to its lack of moving parts, expansion joints, and mechanical seals. The pure steam produced by this generator surpasses the quality standards set for steam, such as the absence of non-condensable gases, optimal superheating, and meeting required saturation levels.